About Nashville Employment Law Center
At NELC, we believe that business owners and educational institutions understand the necessity of complying with the state and federal employment laws applicable to them.
Students accused of Title IX violations do not understand their rights or the necessity of being properly represented. Some students are even told that they are not entitled to an attorney. That is absolutely false. Far too often, students who know they did nothing wrong believe that if they just go in and tell their side of the story they will be exonerated. Also too frequently false. Any student needs representation the moment they become aware of a charge against them.
Likewise, very few business owners understand how their company culture can affect their bottom line and cost them devastating legal expenses.
This is the second piece of the puzzle that many businesses fail to address. Even if your company is fully compliant with all applicable laws, you may still be at great risk for legal action by a current or former employee. You don't have to be at fault for someone to sue you. When your employees perceive that other employees are being treated more favorably, or they believe that policies are unfair or are being applied unfairly, they can become resentful, unproductive, and possibly even counterproductive.
Failing to recognize the symbiotic relationship between legal compliance and contented employees can cost your company a great deal in both legal expenses and loss of profits.